Monday, August 10, 2009

My Eternal Family

My Eternal Family

Sacrament Meeting Program 2009

Valiant 11 Class- Young/Bacik

Kaitlen P.  The Proclamation to the Family states. "Happiness in family life is most likely to be achieved when founded upon the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ."  This year we have been taught that we have an important role in building an eternal family.  The family is an  important part of Heavenly Father's plan for us.


Rhett J.  I am a spirit child of Heavenly Father.

Julia I.  I lived with Him before I came to earth.

Brayden S.  This was called the pre-existence

Austin P. Heavenly Father loves me and has a plan for me.

Chandlei S.  I am created in the image of God, which means I look like Heavenly Father.

Jordyn P.  Heavenly Father wanted me to come to earth and experience happiness as part of a family.  He wants us all to return to live with him again, so he gave us a Savior.  Jesus Christ is our Savior, and he made it possible for us to return to live with Heavenly Father again.

Bridgley H.  Family members have important responsibilities.  They are meant to love us and take care of our spirits and our bodies. The Family: A Proclamation to the World tells us that "the family is ordained of God".  Adam and Eve were the first family.  We have learned this year that Heavenly Father blesses righteous families.

Lauren A.  The scriptures give us examples of how families are blessed when they follow Heavenly Father's commandments

Preston M.  Noah's family was protected from the great flood because of their faith and obedience to Heavenly Father.

Austin C.  Lehi's family was obedient and left Jerusalem safely before it was destroyed.  Joseph and Mary were warned by Heavenly Father to take Jesus and flee to Egypt to keep him safe.  They were protected because of their righteousness.

Kobe M.  I will prepare to strengthen my family by building my foundation of faith.  I build a firm foundation of faith by reading my scriptures, praying and being obedient.


CTR 7 - Hampton/Custer/Atwood

Meg J.  Our foundation is built on the things Jesus has taught us to do.

Tritnee J.  Some of these things are:

Lance R.  Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Isabel K.  To pray always.

Carter B.  Read the scriptures.

Jett K.  Hold Family Home Evening

Parker S.  Be reverent at church

Joshua P.  Keep the Sabbath Day holy

Abigail D. Listen to the Prophet.

Jared B.  Say I am sorry.

Ian H. Forgive others.

Will H.  Obey my parents.

Blake J.  Paying my tithing.

Kattie L.  Be honest.

Alison L.  Be a good friend.

Montana H.  Love one another.

Parker B.  Be a good example.

Jackson L.  Keep the commandments.

Collin F.  Attend my church meetings.

Parker M.  Help my family.

Beau S. Take the sacrament.

Sydney D.  Always think about Jesus Christ.


CTR 8 - Bro & Sis Brown

Isabelle H.  In Luke chapter 2 we learn that Jesus Christ came to earth as part of a family, just like me.

Emma M.  His mother nurtured his family, just like my mother does.

Victoria L.  Joseph led, provided for and protected his family, just like my father does.

Courtney C.  Just like Mary and Joseph built a strong family, my parents are building a strong family and helping me prepare to make my own family strong.

Garrison H.  Heavenly Father loves us very much and wants us to return to him.  Jesus Christ made it possible for me to live with my Heavenly Father again.

Will W.  Heavenly Father knew that we would make mistakes, so he sent his Son, Jesus Christ, to atone for our sins and make it so that we could return to Heavenly Father and be with our families forever.

Colby P.  In premortal life I chose to follow Jesus, so I got to come to earth and have a body and a family.  

Jake S.  I chose to follow Jesus Christ here on earth so that I can return to Heavenly Father and be with my family forever.

Camry D.  I am so thankful I can live with my earthly family forever.


CTR 8 - Sis. Clark

Josslyn S.  Baptism and confirmation are ordinances that bless my family.

Halle B.  Jesus was perfect and never sinned.  He chose to be baptized to be an example for us.

Sadie B.  Baptism is the first ordinance of the gospel.  We sing a song that tells us that Jesus Christ was baptized.

Matthew H.  He was baptized by John the Baptist in the River Jordan.

Jaxon P.  He was baptized by immersion.  That means that he was completely covered or immersed in the water.

James L.  I was baptized just like Jesus.

Austin R.  I was confirmed just like Jesus.

Shelby P.  After Jesus was baptized, he received the Holy Ghost.

Matthew H.  My family is blessed as we follow the promptings of the Holy Ghost.

Katelyn S.  Even though we can't see the Holy Ghost, we can recognize His influence.


Valient 10 - Sis Levingston

Rylee J.  The Proclamation of the Family tells us that "successful...families are established and maintained on principles of faith, prayer, repentance and forgiveness."

Zachary S.  I can build my faith through scripture study, prayer, repenting and forgiving others, as Heavenly Father forgives me.  As I strengthen my faith I strengthen my family.

Trent H.  Because we make mistakes, such as telling a lie or being unkind, we create a gulf between ourselves and Jesus.  The Savior's Atonement is like a bridge that makes it possible for us to repent and return to Heavenly Father and Jesus.

Chandler B.  My family and I will be resurrected.  By following Jesus Christ, we will be able to live with Heavenly Father and Jesus again.

Brett R.  "My Gospel Standards", honor our parents, pay an honest tithing, have faith, and attend Primary.


Kylee D.  Every family memeber plays an important part in strengthening their family.

Celeste L.  I will strengthen my family by being a good example.

Brandon S.  Following "My Gospel Standards" helps us set a good example.

Matthew L.  Some examples are: watching a church video, listening to a CD of uplifting music, looking at or drawing a picture of the temple, and wearing modest clothing.

Karter N.  When I am tempted not to follow these standards I can sing a primary song.


CTR 8 - Sis. Christensen

Kennedy C.  Our families are blessed and strengthened when we have family prayer, family scripture study, and hold regular Family Home Evenings.

Savana H.  Some of our favorite Family Home Evenings are...going on a family bike ride.

Britney H.  Going camping together.

Hayden J.  Learning new sports together.

Jarek S.  Reading scripture stories and learning about Book of Mormon prophets.

Hadley C.  My favorite family home evening was when I got checked out of school to go to the temple open house.

Braxten S.  Learning about how the Holy Ghost comforts us.

Brenden S.  When we went to Classic Skating together as a family.

Isaiah A.  One time we got to read the scriptures to help us get through a maze and to eternal life.

Valiant 12 - Sis. Willden

Dominique W.  Temple blessings unite families forever.  The temple is the house of God here on earth.  I will start preparing now so that I am worthy to enter the temple when it is time.  The ordinances of the temple not only bless our families today, but also past and future generations of my family.

Christian B.  Because of priesthood authority, no one needs to be separated from their families--our families can be together forever!


Valiant 10 - Bro & Sis Slaugh

Kalea K.  Prophets teach me how to strengthen my family.  They tell us the things Heavenly Father wants us to know.

Sam W.  Bible prophets and Book of Mormon prophets have taught us how to strengthen our families.  We also believe in modern day revelation through living prophets.

Austin Hin.  9th Article of Faith:  We believe all that God has revealed, all that He does now reveal, and we believe that He will yet reveal many great and important things pertaining to the Kingdom of God.

Austin Hur.  Our prophets of today teach us how to strengthen our families.

Michael H. When I listen to General Conference, I hear the things Heavenly Father wants me to know.

Tanner B.  President Monson has told us we need to build a strong testimony and serve others.

Hannah L.  President Hinckley has told us to give high priority to family prayer, family home evening, gospel study and wholesome family activities.

Kacey H.  My family and I can serve others.  By serving others, we show Heavenly Father we love Him.

Ali L.  I know how to be a righteous example by following Jesus and trying to be like Him.  I think aobut Jesus and remember Him each Sunday as I partake of the sacrament.  I promise quietly in my heart to follow Him and keep His commandments.


Valiant 9 - Bro and Sis Roberts

Jayden C.  Family tradtions are also important in strengthening our families.

Abby H.  One of my favorite families traditions is, once a year we go to Yellowstone and Disneyland.

Kennedy H.  We have a talent show every year at our family reunion.

Kadie E.  Camping together is my favorite tradition.

Naomi M.  Almost every Saturday we go to a movie.

McKenna J.  I like going to our family cabin once a year.

Coleson J.  A couple times a year we go to St. George to play and to swim.

Calvin L.

Cipriano S.  I like working together in the garden.

Allie H.  

Valiant 9 - Sis Johnson

Calli A.  Whenever I think about what Jesus would do, it is easy to choose the right.

Ryley C.  I help remind my parents to have Family Home Evening and scripture study.

Tyler A.  I can show respect and love to my brothers and sisters.

Jayden A. "The Family:  A Proclamation to the World" is modern-day revelation that teaches me that families can be happy.

Tad J.  It tells us that marriage is important for families to be happy and strong.

Tanner D.  It also teaches my family that as we work together, we will become stronger and closer as a family.

Brooklyn M.  We are preparing now to become a mother or a father so we can become an eternal family.

Jonathan B.  We learn and live the gospel in our families.  The scriptures, family prayer, Family Home Evenings are all blessings that strengthen our families.